Akhirnya DPR mengesahkan UU PPN yang baru pada tanggal 16 September 2009 kemarin.
Seperti diberitakan disini saat UU PPN disahkan, dimana terdapat perubahan seperti :
- wewenang Menkeu,
- sektor jasa yang bebas PPN,
- VAT refund bagi turis,
- merger yang bebas PPN, hingga
- kebutuhan pokok yang bebas PPN
- peraturan PPN yang lebih baik bagi usaha berbasis syariah
yang menjelaskan pengaruh aturan PPN atas bisnis berdasar syariah
The tax law revision, to take effect next April, would scrap double VAT taxation in Islamic financial market transactions and lower transfer costs of taxable assets in corporate mergers and acquisitions. VAT on basic foodstuffs such as eggs, milk, fruit, soybeans and meat would also be dropped to make them more affordable.
atau dapat juga pokok perubahan seperti dilihat disini
Menurut satu artikel dijelaskan demikian atas pokok-pokok perubahan UU PPN yakni :
Luxury tax varies from 10 to 200 percent.
VAT is set at 10 percent, but the government can move it by 5 to 15 percent.
Staple foodstuffs (fresh meat, eggs, milk, vegetables and fruits) will be exempt from the VAT.
VAT on some objects, including mining commodities and food and beverages served at restaurants or hotels will be eliminated.
The VAT will not be imposed on financial services.
Businesses that have yet to produce can withhold their VAT payments, but if they have not produced within three years they must pay the VAT.
Tax refunds for foreign tourists traveling via airports and the VAT of the goods they have purchased if they amount to at least Rp 500,000.
RUU yang baru saja disahkan juga dapat diunduh disini termasuk RUU PPN serta persandingan antara UU PPN lama tahun 2000 dan UU PPN tahun 2009
Namun Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) masih diperlukan untuk mengatur PPN lebih lanjut
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